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What is Human Design and how to generate your human design chart?

Updated: Jan 23

Human Design is an incredibly specific way to learn more about your personality, emotions, and energy centers. More specifically, Human Design breaks down how you "are wired to make decisions, work within teams, parent, and partner."

Human design is not a belief system. It is a concrete map to the nature of being, a mapping of your genetic code. The ability to be able to detail the mechanics of our nature in such depth is obviously profound because it reveals our complete nature in all its subtleness. It opens the door to the potential of Self-Love, a love of life and the love of others through understanding.

Much like astrological birth charts, Human Design is a system based on your exact time, date, and place of birth. However, this information doesn't just map where the planets were in the sky when you were born like a birth chart. Human Design also identifies your dominant chakras to create your personal body graph. It's basically an energetic blueprint.

Human Design, also known as Cellular Deconditioning

What is Human Design Chart, how to generate your own chart?

At the core of Human Design is the concept of a "body graph" or "chart," which is based on an individual's birth information (date, time, and place).

The ‘body graph’ or ‘chart’ is a map of genetic code that shows how our energy is here to correctly engage in the world. This is how a human design chart look:

How to generate Human Design Chart
How to generate Human Design Chart

Step 1: Generate your Human Design Chart here.

Step 2: Understand your chart with the help of understanding the key elements of Human Design in detail, mentioned below.

Key Elements of Human Design

The human design chart outlines various aspects of a person's energetic makeup, including their type, strategy, authority, centers, channels, gates, and profiles.

Key Elements of Human Design
Image Source:

Here's a brief overview of some key elements:

I. Types: Human Design categorizes individuals into different types, including Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. Each type has its own unique way of interacting with the world and utilizing their energy.

II. Strategy: Each type has a specific strategy for making decisions and interacting with others effectively. For example, Generators and Manifesting Generators are advised to respond to life's opportunities, while Projectors need to wait for recognition and invitation.

III. Authority: Human Design proposes that each individual has a specific authority or decision-making process that aligns with their inner truth. This can be based on factors such as the Sacral Center's response, the Emotional Solar Plexus, the Self-Projected Authority, or other centers in the body graph.

IV: Centers: The body graph consists of various centers, which represent different aspects of one's energetic system. These centers include the Head, Ajna, Throat, G Center, Heart, Solar Plexus, Spleen, Sacral, and Root. The activation or openness of these centers can provide insights into an individual's strengths, vulnerabilities, and areas of focus.

V. Gates: Gates represent specific energetic qualities or themes. The presence or absence of these channels influences an individual's potential traits and abilities.

VI: Channels: Channels are energy pathways that connect centers in the body graph. The presence or absence of these channels influences an individual's potential traits and abilities.

VII: Profiles: Human Design profiles consist of two numbers that represent an individual's role and life path. The profile offers insights into a person's natural inclinations, learning experiences, and how they interact with others.

VIII: Lines: Lines can help you better understand your relationship dynamics, communication style, and how you contribute to the collective. They provide a deeper understanding of how you can navigate relationships, work environments, and personal interactions with authenticity and effectiveness.

Human Design is often used as a tool for self-reflection, understanding relationships, and making decisions aligned with one's unique energetic makeup. It can provide guidance on areas such as career choices, relationships, health, and personal growth. However, it's important to approach Human Design with an open mind and use it as a tool for self-exploration rather than as a rigid set of rules or predictions.

Human Design is so complex and overwhelming at first glance, but it helps to focus on the two most important aspects of someone's chart:

I & II. Energy type & their strategy:

The first thing you look at in your chart is your Energy Type. There are five main types, and each has different way of bringing in more opportunities and flow into their life.

Energy types in Human Design
Energy types in Human Design

Each of the five energy types — Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector.

III. Authority:

Authority explains how you make decisions. On your body graph, it is represented by the energy centers that are filled in and defined the most. For instance, some people don't have a defined splenic center, so following their gut isn't the best advice for them. They may be more logical instead. Here is how authority types looks.

Authority in Human Design Chart
Authority in Human Design Chart

Everyone has intuition, but we all access it differently, which is where Human Design comes in to explain the best way for you to make decisions.

IV. Centers

In the Human Design Chart, there are nine energy centers. They are represented by the geometric shapes in the middle of the chart. The easiest way to think about the nine energy centers is that they are indicators of the way that energy is consistently flowing through you. The centers are:

Centers in Human Design Chart
Centers in Human Design Chart

Each of the nine human design centers produces a specific type of energy, as mentioned in the picture.

V. Gates:

Gates, also known as hexagrams, are specific points within each channel. There are 64 gates in Human Design, each associated with a unique energy pattern and representing different qualities, archetypes, or themes. Gates provide detailed information about an individual's specific traits, talents, and potential challenges.

VI. Channels:

In Human Design, channels and gates are specific components within the body graph that provide additional information about an individual's energetic makeup. They play a role in shaping an individual's traits, talents, and potential areas of focus.

VII. Profiles

There are 12 profiles in Human Design. You can find your profile either in the information section of your body graph or by finding the conscious and unconscious sun in the list of planets (the first planet). Take the conscious (black) line first, and the unconscious (red) line second. It’s the smaller decimal point after your sun gates. This is where your profile comes from.

VIII. Lines

Lines, also known as profiles, are numerical values associated with each gate. They provide further information about an individual's energetic expression and how they interact with others. Lines are often depicted as small numbers placed below the gates.

There are six lines (1 to 6), each associated with different characteristics and approaches to life. Each line represents a unique perspective, role, and way of engaging with the world.

Lines in Human Design Chart
Lines in Human Design Chart

It's important to note that the interpretation of channels and gates in Human Design is intricate and nuanced, as they interact with other aspects of an individual's chart. The specific combinations, connections, and activations within the body graph contribute to a comprehensive understanding of an individual's energetic profile.

As mentioned before, there is a lot more to your chart than these basic principles, but we hope this blog has at least provided some valuable context for you to start experimenting.

Human design chart can help you to understand yourself better, genetically. As explained in the blog, reading your human design chart can be a challenging task especially if you are a beginner.


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