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Treatment for Ankle Sprain

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Ankle Sprain_Smita Bhat
I recently went on a camping trip & while returning back a heavy copper bottle fell on my left ankle. That time I just ignored the pain and moved on. Next day after cooking food I realized that I had excruciating pain in my whole left leg that I couldn't even stand properly. Since I didn't wanted to take medicine and supress it knowing that it can spring back in the future.
Thankfully, I got a reference of Shweta from a group, and I found the best healer. We did 2 sessions of Accupuncture and now I am perfectly fine! The pain is gone like magic! I would recommend all the folks to go for alternative therapy instead of just popping medicine. Thank you Shweta.

Smita Bhat, Homebaker

Treatment for Vertigo & Neck Pain

I suffered from vertigo and neck pain. It was so severe that my doctor suggested taking a break. After resting for a few weeks, my condition did not improve. One of my friends referred me to Shweta ji. During my consultation, she prescribed craniosacral therapy. To my surprise, within  4-5 sessions, my neck movement was completely normal. My neck pain and dizziness were also relieved. 


Later on I joined her Yoga classes, which helped me to reduce stress and I used to be full of energy throughout the day.


I also learned Jalneti from her, which helped me reduce my sinus issues.

I would like to thank Shweta ji for providing me with holy yoga knowledge and changing my lifestyle.

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Vertigo and Neck Pain_Rahul Londhe

Rahul Londhe, Deputy Manager,R&D at NRB bearing Ltd

Treatment for pre Diabetes

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for pre Diabetes_Smrutiranjan Tripathy

I recently visited Shweta for an acupuncture treatment and had an exceptional experience. Her expertise in acupuncture techniques was evident from the moment I stepped into their clinic. Not only did she have a vast knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, but she also possessed a deep understanding of how to alleviate various ailments and promote overall well-being through acupuncture & yoga.


I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic after COVID-19 hit me so as usual doctors advised me to start the medicines. Since I was not keen on taking medicines for my entire life, one of my family friends suggested me try alternative medicine and hence I contacted Shweta. After listening to all my concerns carefully, she suggested acupuncture, cupping and kansa therapy. She made me feel comfortable and at ease throughout the sessions. Her calm and soothing behaviour created a relaxing atmosphere, which enhanced the treatment's effectiveness. Within a month's time, my blood sugar is in the normal range with her treatment.


Her ability to pinpoint the root cause of the health issues really impressed me. She explained how stimulating different pressure points helps restore the body's balance and promote healing. Because of her clear and easy-to-understand explanations, I felt involved in my treatment.


She also guided me in practicing yoga and meditation specifically for diabetes. Her holistic approach to healing truly sets her apart.

For anyone seeking natural and effective health solutions, I highly recommend her. I am grateful for the positive impact she has had on my health and well-being.

Smrutiranjan Tripathy, Assistant Manager at Samsung

Treatment for Infertility

Me and my husband were trying to concieve a baby and we consulted Shweta for this. She suggested few accupuncture sessions and those session helped us to successfully concieve our baby. These acupuncture sessions helped me to manage various discomforts like morning sickness, headaches, back pain, and fatigue. I can confidently say that acupuncture has been a wonderful source of support throughout this journey.


My baby is now one year old and I can say that he is very strong and has great immunity. He doesn't get any frequent fever, cold & cough issues . 
The treatment sessions by Shweta were gentle, and the needles were inserted w
ith extreme precision and care. I felt a deep sense of relaxation during each session, which contributed to reduced stress and anxiety along with improved sleep quality.


She was highly knowledgeable about the specific needs and concerns, ensuring my comfort throughout the sessions. Shweta is the first line of treatment for our family members and I would highly recommend her for Accupuncture treatments.

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Infertility_Sonia Hanspal

Sonia Hanspal, Teacher

Treatment for Migraine

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Migraine_Priyanka Salvi

For the past few years, I have been suffering from severe migraine headaches. Despite taking many different medicines from different sources, nothing worked. Then I came across Shweta on Facebook, and I really appreciate her assistance with my acupuncture sessions.


I have noticed a significant reduction in my migraines after these sessions. Thank you, Shweta, for making these sessions so relaxing.

Priyanka Salvi, Senior Software Engineer at L&T

Treatment for Heart Blockage, Diabetes & Slip Disc

During my heart blockage treatment, I received acupuncture treatment as a complementary therapy. I'm very pleased with the results. As a result of Shweta's recommendation, I decided to undergo acupuncture treatment along with some lifestyle changes. She explained how acupuncture could potentially assist me with my condition and addressed all of my concerns and questions regarding it.


As a result of these acupuncture sessions, I was able to manage my stress, reduce my hypertension, and control my diabetes. Also, the amount of blockages in my heart was negligible after clinical investigation. It was really helpful to implement these simple lifestyle changes. My slip disc condition and back pain were also treated along with this treatment.


Shweta was highly knowledgeable and skilled at working with heart-related issues. The treatment sessions were extremely gentle, relaxing and I noticed improvements in my overall well-being with every passing session. Greatful to Shweta for her service. God bless her.

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Heart Blockage, Diabetes and Slip Disc_Jasbir Hanspal

Jasbir Hanspal, Associate Category Manager

Treatment for Anxiety, Body aches, digestive issues & tennis elbow

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Anxiety, Body Aches, Digestive Issues & Tennis Elbow_Yasha Pandey
Meeting Shweta was a blessing because she completely changed the way I have been handling my emotional and physical well being. Shweta opened a whole new way of looking at things positively and bravely.
I was someone who used to worry a lot about small-small things that don't even matter in a long run and I was used to keep thinking about them endlessly adding to my anxiety and stress. But slowly with Shweta's guidance & consultation I feel much more relaxed & confident now. 
She helped me to treat my anxiety, stress, digestive issues, body pain and tennis elbow with multiple sessions of acupuncture, cranio-sacral therapy. 
From last 2 years, I am also doing yoga sessions with her and everyday I look forward the same. 
I would like to recommend her to all the people out there who need any kind of physical or emotional assessment with a proper solution. Once again, Thank you Shweta for being there and with your firm support throughout the process. 

Yasha Pandey, Homemaker

Overall wellbeing through Yoga

I have been doing Yoga for the past few years but I learnt a lot of innovative yoga rather than general yoga only through Shweta's Yoga classes. I am glad that I have a Yoga guru like her. Grateful for her holistic approach and the best teaching methods that she uses. For me the best part of the session is Meditation. I tried practicing meditation for a while now but she taught me the right approach of first being prepared for it and the perfect method of getting into that Meditational state so easily & gain the maximum benefits out of it.
Can't thank her enough as I start my day doing the Yoga and Meditation with the best teacher and community out there.
We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Overall Wellbeing through Yoga_Aarati Golatkar

Aarati Golatkar, Senior IT Professional

Health Awareness through Yoga

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Health Awareness through Yoga_Pournima Singh

Starting the day with Shweta ji & yoga practice feels to me like having energy shots that charge the rest of my day positively. It has made me calmer, added mindfulness to my daily life, made me fitter, built my stamina & given me body awareness.


It feels like I was asleep & my body is suddenly awake. Our bodies and minds are well taken care of in this yoga class, which sets it apart from the rest. I could go on and on about this yoga class as I have gained an entire new perspective on yoga and meditation.


It's been 6 months with her now but the impact it has had on my life is going to stay throughout. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to our dear teacher for all she has done for us.

Pournima Singh, Mining Engineer

Treatment for Back Pain & Sciatica

I was having back pain and shooting pain in my right leg. Being an artist I was unable to focus on my work properly.
After consulting Shweta, I got to know that it's a Sciatica pain and she suggested me accupuncture treatment for the same. I was completely impressed that just after two session of accupuncture my pain which was bothering me from months was completely gone. She also suggested me few yoga stretches for back pain to practice routinely.
Now my body is much more proactive and I can feel the flexibility in my back. Thank you Shweta!
We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Back Pain and Sciatica_Narayan Sahu

Narayan Sahu, Founder of Imaginations in Sand

Treatment for tennis elbow & Wellness through Yoga

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Tennis Elbow and Wellness through Yoga_Prachi Kadam

Shweta is a fantastic yoga teacher, and also a genuinely lovely person (which I feel is very convenient when listening to someone talk to for an hour or more). Her yoga instructions are precise and she’s observant, constantly checking alignment throughout the session. Her classes are truly for all levels, and no matter how much exercise you have done, you will always come out relaxed and happy after her classes.

​Her classes have helped me reduce my anxiety, reduce body pain, improve my sleep quality and overall well-being.

Once, when I caught tennis elbow, I took her acupuncture session. Before acupuncture sessions, I had taken various medicines and even physiotherapy sessions but it didn't helped me in anyway. After 4-5 sessions of acupuncture, my elbow was completely recovered.

It's been almost 2 years, and my pain has never bounced-back yet. Thank you Shweta for being so caring and compassionate.

Prachi Kadam, Travel Manager

Treatment for Knee Pain

I had knee pain for a considerable amount of time. But after going for 3-4 sessions the pain is no more and i could move very easily.
I also have taken stress relief sessions which I found to be very useful for me.

Suprasad Mishra, Senior Manager Sales

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Knee Pain_Suprasad Mishra

Treatment for disc buldge

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Disc Buldge_Tejaswi Bhaskar Bonde

Last year my right wrist, elbow and arm started paining so badly, so we went to an orthopedic doctor. He did some scans and told me I had a disc bulge. In addition to the medicines and exercises he suggested, he also put me on a lot of restrictions. To follow those restrictions was not possible for me in day to day life given a mother of a toddler and a home maker. Pain was under control with the effect of medicine but it was not the solution or cure I was looking for.

Then I came to know about Shweta Jaju from one of my friends. I went to her with hope. She went through my scan reports and suggested acupressure and a few others. I started following what she told me and I literally felt the change in my body. There was relief from the pain. The swelling in my body has gone away. Also I have started feeling energetic and stronger day by day. The pain killers were no longer needed. Her treatments not just helped me with the disc bulge issue but also helped my overall physical and mental health. I am really thankful to her. She is the best. She is perfect at work. I would really recommend her. I started yoga practice with her. It's amazing how I feel and love my body now. I got rid of most of the problems I had been facing post-pregnancy. Shwetaji is just not a doctor for me. She is a mentor and a well-wisher too.

Tejaswi Bhaskar Bonde, Analytics consultant at Accenture

Health Awareness through Yoga

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Health Awareness through Yoga, Treatment of Blood Pressure, Knee Pain_Prem Chandra

My first contact with Shweta was about 3 years ago. Both my wife Archana and I met her and consulted her on our various health related problems. I was suffering from thyroid, high blood pressure, weak digestion, pain in my knee joint and forgetfulness. My wife was mainly suffering from diabetes and a heavy weight.

Based on her advice, we started attending her one hour physical exercise session daily in the evenings for some time, as well as some specific personal sittings, for acupuncture, acupressure and Naturopathy. We found her treatments and advice very effective for steady improvements in our health and personal lives. The best parts of her treatment were her vast experience, total dedication to her work, her warm behaviour and happy mannerisms, her professional clinic and her total involvement with the client.

She also introduced us to the Human Design system, which helped us understand our intrinsic natures, resulting in our development of better health, success at work and in effective interpersonal dealings. 

We keep regularly meeting her now and then. She has become our family health consultant. She is a storehouse of health and happiness for us. I wish her all the best in all her endeavours. I am sure she is a gem of a person and a holistic healer for anybody.

Prem Chandra

Treatment for Allergic Rhinitis

I have been suffering from allergic rhinitis for years, and it has significantly impacted my daily life. I tried various medications and treatments with little improvement. However, my life changed when I visited Shweta ji. Her expertise and compassionate approach to acupuncture were truly remarkable. After a few sessions, I noticed a significant reduction in my allergy symptoms. Not only did my sneezing and congestion improve, but I also felt a general sense of well-being.

Thanks to Shweta ji, I can now enjoy the outdoors and breathe free of discomfort. I highly recommend her acupuncture services to anyone struggling with allergic rhinitis or any other health concerns. It's a life-changing experience!

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Allergic Rhinitis_Dipak Digambar Gaikwad

Dipak Digambar Gaikwad, DGM

Treatment of Heel Pain

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Heel Pain_Tapati Priyadarshini

I was having severe help pain. When I went to her, she understood my issue first, in a calm manner. She gave me a few sessions of mixed holistic therapies such as Acupuncture, Kansa Thali and Cupping. To my surprise, just after 4-5 sessions, my pain was completely gone.

It was a fantastic experience with this treatment. She is very experienced and friendly. Hopefully, this therapy will be able to help my family members with their medical issues as well. Highly recommended.

Tapati Priyadarshini Panda

Treatment for Back Pain

My sciatica was not resolved even after taking 2.5 months of physiotherapy. After taking acupuncture, cupping & cranio sacral therapy sessions, my issue was completely resolved. I can't thank her enough. 

She is my go-to person when it comes to pain management. I haven't taken any pain killers for the last 3 years for my back pain.

Her approach is holistic which is a combination of many therapies. I would highly recommend her for pain management.

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Back Pain_Shrabanee Mohapatra_Founder Bhumee Creation

Shrabanee Mohapatra, Founder of Bhumee Creation

Treatment for Slip Disc

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Slip Disc_Amir

3 years back, all of a sudden I started getting back pain issues and numbness in my left leg. I went to the doctor and he said you have a slip disc issue (L3, L4 & L5) and it needs to be operated on an immediate basis as it might get worse if there's a delay. 

I asked my friends and relatives and they advised me to try a physiotherapy session as it might help. I started physiotherapy sessions and it helped me temporarily but not as per my expectations. Nevertheless, after I woke up one morning, I was unable to bend down, and I could not do the things I needed to do on a daily basis. Then I met Shweta ji, who treated me to acupuncture and hijamah. After few sessions, my pain started to reduce and now it's completely gone. 

With her treatment I am able to do my day to day activities, work onboard ships without any issues for a period of 6 to 9 months depending on the contract. I highly recommend her as she is highly experienced and also the way she gives treatment is amazing and it relaxes the mind and soothes the body.

Aamir Shaikh, Seafarer

Treatment for Shoulder Pain

I had taken a treatment for left shoulder pain from Shweta mam. She treated it with acupuncture, when she put the needle in my hands and legs I felt a current passing in my shoulder with a pinching type of pain at the exact spot of my trigger point.

Just after the first sitting, I felt a relieve in my pain and then after 4-5 sessions, my pain was completely vanished. I never imagined that just a simple needle prick could bring so much change. I would highly recommend her holistic services.

We Care Wellness_Testimonial_Review_Treatment for Pain_Rajeev

Rajeev chandroth Raghavan

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